In 4 minutes, at rest: the only non-invasive readiness technology to assess both brain and heart

Detailed biological data on the Central Nervous System (DC-EEG) and Cardiac System (HRV)

Omegawave tells you how to train optimally today: Endurance, Speed & Power, Strength, or Coordination & Skill
Used by elite coaches & tactical professionals

We’ve been looking for a tool that can support UFC athletes and help them better understand how their body is responding to the rigors of training, so they can prepare and recover optimally. For us, Omegawave is that answer.
Duncan French, PHD
Vice President of Performance,
UFC Performance Institute
I can say that Omegawave was a critical piece this season in helping us win the national championship.
Bruno Mazziotti
SC Corinthians Paulista
We actually code the entire list of players by red, yellow, and green as per their Omegawave.
Charlie Weingroff
Physical Therapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach
Built on advanced science
The results indicated that high, compared to low CNS Omegawave […], were associated with increased CMJ […], Power […], Omegawave Overall Readiness[…], and Omega Potential […].
Aaron Heishman, PhD
University of Oklaholma
The present study implies that the use of HRV and DC potential are effective methods for monitoring stress levels in athletes. This was evidenced by the significant differences observed in vertical jump, vertical power, broad jump, and aerobic efficiency between experimental groups.
Chris Morris, PhD
Director of Applied Sports Science
The main finding was that 3000-m running performance improved only in the HRV-guided training group over the 8-week intensive training period, by performing less moderate and high intensity training sessions compared with predefined training.
Ville Vesterinen, PhD
JYU & KIHU (Research Institute for Olympic Sports Finland)
Aaron Heishman, PhD
University of Oklaholma
Chris Morris, PhD
Director of Applied Sports Science
Ville Vesterinen, PhD
JYU & KIHU (Research Institute for Olympic Sports Finland)
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For personal trainers, S&C coaches, physiotherapists, Medical doctors and tactical teams
For the individual athlete
For the runner who wants to have a personal trainer in their pocket
For personal trainers, S&C coaches, physiotherapists, Medical doctors and tactical teams
For the runner who wants to have a personal trainer in their pocket