White Papers
Seeking validation on the science behind Omegawave? Look no further. The Literature Review presents an in-depth explanation of each measurement method that is employed, from its early history to its widespread research in sports.
The White Paper seeks to answer the age-old question asked by coaches and other sports professionals – “how can I prepare the athlete to achieve maximal performance results with minimal time and physiological cost, reduce the risk of injury and prolong their competitive career?”
This manual is designed to answer the following questions for users of the Omegawave Team solution: What foundation did modern training theory evolve from? What is the science behind Omegawave? What do all of these numbers actually mean? How do I use this information to help guide the training process?
Coach’s Handbook 2014 The Handbook provides the dedicated reader with a comprehensive account of the innovative approach to preparing athletes – Windows of Trainability™. The handbook explains the scientific foundation of the approach and provides practical recommendations on how to develop the physical qualities of an athlete using the Omegawave Coach product.
The new update comes with a few changes to the Omegawave application user interface and one major change to the DC Potential algorithm that will naturally also impact the overall Omegawave Readiness conclusion. We will discuss this algorithm change in more detail later in this document.
The Sport Innovation Summit in Calgary marked the first scientific venue where the concept of Readiness was presented. This concept was implemented into a non-invasive technological solution to allow for optimal management of an athlete’s preparation.