For the individual athlete
Omegawave Personal
Optimize Your Training
You know what you’re capable of… so, what’s next? Omegawave provides actionable data about the type of training your body is best prepared to handle on any given day. What physical qualities should you train to achieve the greatest training effect: Endurance, Speed & Power, Strength, or Coordination & Skill? What are your recommended heart-rate training zones? Use our Windows of Trainability™ to maximize every session and reduce the likelihood of fatigue related injuries by knowing when your body needs extra time for recovery.

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Windows of Trainability™
What physical qualities is your body prepared to train each day? At a glance, the home screen of Omegawave Individual provides a visual picture of your body’s capacity to train in four principal categories: Endurance, Speed & Power, Strength, and Coordination & Skill. Wide green “Windows” indicate an ability to positively adapt to hard training in that associated quality. Smaller yellow or diminished red windows are signals to consider modifying training volumes or intensities—you can still train and perform at a high level when readings are in the red, but that performance may come at a greater physiological cost.

Overall Readiness
Plan and adjust each day’s training by assessing your Functional State in combination with your Windows of Trainability. If certain Windows are partially or fully closed, pinpoint whether the limiting factor is your Central Nervous System or Cardiac System. Do you need to plan activities likely to stimulate your CNS? Should you consider active recovery methods to return your cardiac system to homeostasis? For more specific guidance, this screen also displays your recommended heart-rate training zones, with these graphic ranges individualized based on your daily measurement results.

CNS Readiness
Firing from the brain, the Central Nervous system coordinates the body’s activities, from the sense organs to the spinal cord to the peripheral muscle groups. High-intensity intervals, sprints, heavy weight training, and certain sports-specific skills will place a high demand on your CNS. Use our DC-Potential measurement to monitor and manage signs of fatigue in your Central Nervous system; seek greater activation of the CNS when necessary. A high functioning CNS is a marker of performance, resistance to stress, and quality of life.

Cardiac Readiness
Based on Heart Rate Variability (HRV), our Cardiac Readiness score indicates how efficiently your body has recovered from previous training or stress. The Recovery Pattern index reflects the balance between the Sympathetic (“Fight or Flight”) and the Parasympathetic (“Rest & Digest”) branches of your Autonomic nervous system. Track Adaptation Reserves to know whether your Cardiac system is ready to pay the “adaptive cost” for hard training. Follow trends in your Stress index to see how factors outside of training may be impacting your Readiness to perform.

In summary
Readiness Assessment
On the days where [Omegawave] gives me the green light and I’m green all the way across, I love that. When that happens, I’ll allow myself some extra challenges that day.
Meghan Duggan
Captain of the 2014 US Olympic team, ice hockey
The ’Wave’ confirms your own feelings and what they are for real. You don’t have to start guessing anymore where to go now.
Aino-Kaisa Saarinen
Cross-Country Skiing World Champion and Olympic Medalist
Omegawave’s measures are a very good tool to evaluate how the body really is feeling and how you’re recovering.